Fast copy with tar and ncat

Hot take alert

You don’t need rsync or scp to copy a large amount of data between two machines…

…provided that:

  1. You don’t need encryption.
  2. Target machine is directly accessible from source machine.

Do that instead:

  1. Install tar and ncat on both machines (if they aren’t installed already).
  2. Pick a port number. I’m gonna use 34567 here.
  3. Open that port in the firewall on the target machine.

For RedHat-based distributions the command likely is:

sudo firewall-cmd --add-port 34567/tcp

For Debian-based distributions the command likely is

sudo ufw allow 34567/udp
  1. cd to the target directory on the target machine.
  2. Run the following command on the target machine:
ncat -l 34567 | sudo tar xf -
  1. cd to the source directory on the source machine.
  2. Run the following command on the source machine:
sudo tar cf - . | ncat TARGET_HOST_OR_IP 34567

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